Dec. 26 - Dec 30, 2020
The QDHPCA is excited to partner with Moose Meadows Farm in a "Crazy COVID" New Year Wreath Facebook auction from Dec 26-30, 2020
Let's kick 2020 to the curb and ring in 2021 with one of six beautifully unique door wreath composed of Subalpine fir and western red cedar collected from the forests of the North Cariboo. The wreaths will last well into the New Year in our cool North Cariboo climate.
All proceeds from the auction will go to the Quesnel & District Hospice Palliative Care Association (QDHPCA). Click on the poster below to read more about this event
Thank you to the Quesnel Observer for their article on this special event. Click on the logo below to read it
Thank you to Moose Meadows for their generosity in designing the wreathes and their time in hostingthis event. Click on the moose below to check out their farm and events