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National Hospice Week
May 3 - 9, 2021

Busting the Myths about Hospice Palliative Care


In 2020, the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) celebrates its 20th annual HPC week campaign by debunking myths that circulate around Hospice Palliative Care in Canada. Given the universality of death, dying, loss and bereavement, Canadians from all walks of life will benefit from breaking myths in order to support accurate health information about Hospice Palliative Care.


What do Myths do?


Myths create their own dialogue that generates inaccurate health information.


Myths form a culture of reluctance to seek out treatment options.


Myths can contribute to more fear when facing a critical illness.



What do You do to Bust the Myths?


Working together to educate one another is a vital step in the pursuit of excellent Hospice Palliative Care. During Hospice Palliative Care Week, we seek to encourage and engage in a public discussion to identify common myths.


Through the promotion of resources, education, tools, online engagement, and in-person interactions, the CHPCA challenge Canadians to replace these myths with current and factual information.



Share Your Stories

What myth have you heard about Hospice Palliative Care? How do you respond to these myths?


Share your stories on social media! Tag CHPCA on Facebook (CanadianHospicePalliativeCare ) and Twitter (@CanadianHPCAssn) and tell us your stories! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #BustingtheMyths and #HPCWEEK


You can also submit articles online to


Download the CHPCA resources

Visit to download printable posters, FAQ sheet and other materials for Hospice Palliative Care Week


Download and share CHPCA’s printable poster called Myths vs Facts , the CHPCA FAQ poster, and the CHPCA's Fact sheet. These files can also be viewed on this page.







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